Interview On Designer Of Ceramic Replica Rado True Watches UK

What is your opinion on unique fake Rado True watches? Only from the appearance, you can know it is not a simple design and must be combined a lot of top technology. If you want to know more about this watch, welcome to enjoy the interview on designer – Oskar Zieta.

Oskar Zieta is designer of Rodo watches.
Oskar Zieta

Q: Where is the difficult place? Why are the superb copy watches so special?

A: We must apply the creativity and experience of metal and other materials to watch production technology. This is a new challenge. We have learned a lot about small size projects and high density. In one word, this process is difficult while has great meaning.

The white dials replica watches are made from ceramic.
Ceramic Replica Rado Ture Watches

Q: What is your design concept of fine watches?

A: I strive to create a series of works that can maintain a unique personality. I start from the material, and use the design method from detail to the whole to try to fully display the material characteristics in the white dials replica Rado watches. The wearers can feel unique as True watches for every second.

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